
Vaccine for MERS

2015-08-11 03:47

Vaccine for MERS

BREATHE easy, the South Korean public were told on Tuesday.
The outbreak of respiratory virus MERS is over.

There have been no new cases for 23 days, so the prime minister urged people to resume “normal daily activities”.

The outbreak infected 186 people, killing 36. There are currently no treatments, but a drug and vaccine are being tested on animals. This week it was reported that the vaccine appears to reduce symptoms in monkeys, although it is difficult to tell because the virus only triggers mild symptoms in the animals.
“The controls didn’t become severely ill, so it isn’t possible to say with certainty how the data would translate to humans,” says Barney Graham of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland (Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms8712).
MERS doesn’t spread easily between people outside hospitals, so the vaccine would probably be given to healthcare workers, and people working with camels – the suspected source of the virus.

Source : 2015.08.01. New Scientist : https://www.newscientist.com/
