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Nanobubble pops kill cancer cells

2016-04-05 00:46

Nanobubble pops kill cancer cells

Clusters of gold atoms known as nanoparticles can detect and kill cancer cells left behind after tumor-removal surgery, researchers report online this week in Nature Nanotechnology.
Scientists have previously shown that when nanoparticles are injected into the bloodstream, they tend to seep out of vessels and congregate around tumors. The tumor cells engulf the nanoparticles—which act as Trojan horses. Researchers hit the gold atoms with infrared laser light, and the particles heat up and kill the cancer cells. But this can also damage healthy tissue.
In the new study, scientists showed they could focus the heat damage on the cancer cells by decorating the nanoparticles with immune protein antibodies that latch onto receptors on the surface of human squamous cells implanted in mice. This not only prevented the heat from damaging healthy cells, but also increased temperatures around the clusters, vaporizing nearby water molecules; the bursting bubbles ripped apart the cancer cells. The researchers are now designing a clinical trial that could begin testing the therapy in humans in the next 2 years.
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Source : Science Magazine 2016 February
