Importance of Immunity

Immune system have the power of a natural treatment inside body.

When we catch a cold, we feel to get a fever. It means the heater by doing battle with flu virus and immune cells inside our body. Immune cells act autoimmune response.


As we have a reduced immunity,

  1. suffer from various diseases a immune imbalance
  2. AIDS viruses bring out brain and spinal cord damage. Then dementia (Alzheimer’s disease) or human cell confusion cause.



Steps of diseases

Aging â–· Infection â–· Thymus smaller â–· Chronic inflammation â–· Chronic diseases
(Diabetes, Arteriosclerosis(hardening of the arteries), Cancer(Tumors), Alzheimer’s, Sarcopenia)


Correlation of Cancer Rate and Natural Killer Cells Activity

Research Paper: Natural cytotoxic activity of peripheral-blood lymphocytes and cancer incidence: an 11-year follow-up study of a general population


Natural cytotoxic activity of peripheral-blood mononuclear cells was assessed by isotope-release assay in 3625 residents of a Japanese population mostly older than 40 years of age, between 1986 and 1990. Immunological and biochemical markers were also measured, and participants were given a questionnaire on lifestyle. Research had progressed for 11-year.

Results indicate that medium and high cytotoxic activity of peripheral-blood lymphocytes is associated with reduced cancer risk, whereas low activity is associated with increased cancer risk suggesting a role for natural immunological host defenceable mechanisms against cancer.(The cancer incidence rate of Low Group is 1.7 times(Men) and 2 times(Women) as high as them of Middle and High Group.)

Group Cytotoxic activity (%)
Low Middle High
≤34% 35%~51% >51%
Rate of cancer cases Men 9% 7% 6%
Women 4% 2% 2%


Importance of immunity and Natural Killer Cells’ activities is emphasized again.

Source :

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