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stem cell therapy

Q: Pros and cons of a stem cell transplant?
1. This depends on the type of transplant (autologous-your own cells; allogeneic-donor cells), the disease that is being treated and the status of the disease.
Stem cell transplants do have a higher toxicity than most standard treatments but in many cases can control the underlying cancer for a longer period of time and can cure many cancers that cannot be cured with standard therapy.


2. Hematopoietic stem cell transplants are the only type in routine use, and are much like other organ transplants except that the immune reaction is typically from the donor cells vs. the patients tissues. Not an issue for those who receive their own cells (autologous). Attempts to transplant stem cells of other organs have met with limited succes and need to overcome rejection and limited growth.
 Source: HealthTap, https://www.healthtap.com/user_questions/240135 

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Q: The first European embryonic stem cell therapy?
A: The first European embryonic stem cell therapy in humans is about to start in London. Surgeons will insert the controversial cells into the eyes of 12 patients suffering from Stargardt’s macular dystrophy, a major cause of blindness in young people.
The study was approved on Thursday and is set to begin in December at Moorfields Eye Hospital. A similar study to treat the same eye disease started in July in the United States at the Jules Stein Eye Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles. Both studies are using cells created by Advanced Cell Technology based in Marlborough, Massachusetts (watch the surgery here).
The first-ever embryonic stem cell clinical trial in the United State launched last year. That study uses cells from Geron in Menlo Park, California.
Because embryonic stem cells are the “master cells” of the body and can become every type of human cell, scientists think they could provide promising treatments for just about any disease you can think of, replacing and possibly regenerating diseased cells or tissue. But the cells are controversial because embryos are destroyed to make them, and some people equate a days-old nearly microscopic embryo with a born baby.
Also, you probably feel like you’ve been hearing about stem cell studies for forever. How can this be the first European human trial? Or maybe you thought the whole stem cell thing was a bust since there hasn’t been all that much news about it lately.
Well, medical science is a slow process, and it has to be that way to make sure treatments work and to protect patients. Forging ahead with experimental medical treatments without proper oversight like Rick Perry advocates is what needlessly drains desperate families’ bank accounts on an ineffective treatment or, worse, kills them.
You’ll likely be hearing a lot more about stem cell research as the presidential elections approach – not necessarily because there will be more promising research, but because politicians like to milk the abortion issue. Something to look forward to!
Source : http://gizmodo.com/5842939/embryonic-stem-cells-tapped-for-european-study-combatting-blindness

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Q:In what countries are embroynic stem cell transplants available?
Cell therapy using embroynic stem cells is currently under clinical study. It was not yet commonplace.
Use of adult mesenchymal stem-stromal cells (mscs) are currently in clinical trial in us/internationally.
Trend is toward use of fat derived mscs, havested by liposuction, isolated and concentrated in tissue culture. Early reports suggest significant improvement in neurological, autoimmune and organ functions. Many more mscs in fat than bone marrow making ad-msc the center of most research now.
Edited by AllStemCells.com
Source: HealthTap.com

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Q: What illnesses can be cured using stem cell transplants?
A: The main lethal disease treated with stem cell transplants are hematologic malignancies such as leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Bone marrow failure (aplastic anemia) is also treated with stem cell transplants. Some life-threatening genetic disease can also be treated with a transplant.
Recently, adipose derived stem cells(ADSCs) are used for arthritis, cartilage damage, depressed scars, cosmetic surgery, etc. ADSC are under clinical trials to diseases such as diabetes, dementia, brain injury, reproduction disorders. Acute myocardial infarction therapies using stem cells from bone marrow-derived mesenchymal received approval as a therapeutic agent in South Korea.
Edited by AllStemCells.com
References: HealthTap.com

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