How the Immune System Works?

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Q: How the Immune System Works?
A: Normal functioning of the immune system protects the body against the invasion of outside organisms. A variety of organisms are capable of this; however, not all are harmful. The cells of the immune system recognize organisms that invade the body, then isolate and destroy them. At times, the immune system is not able to adequately function in this capacity. This results in infection, immunodeficiency disorders, autoimmune disorders, allergies, and hypersensitivity reactions.
Lymphocytes are the primary cells of the immune system. Lymphocytes are divided into B-cells and T-cells. B-cells provide a humoral immune response, since they produce an antigen-specific antibody. T-cells provide a cellular immune response.
Mature T-cells are composed of CD4 and CD8 cells. CD8 cells are responsible for destroying foreign and viral inhabited cells, and suppress immunological functions. CD4 cells, also known as helper T-cells, stimulate immune functions, such as B-cells and macrophages. A macrophage is a cell whose functions include ingesting foreign or invading cells.

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