Related immune system terms?

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IgE :One of the immunoglobulin classes of antibodies is that of IgE (immunoglobulin E). These antibodies are found in high concentrations in various tissue spaces and are chiefly involved in ridding the body of intestinal parasites as well as reacting to allergic conditions.
Immunocompetent :An immunocompetent individual possesses the ability for the body to react normally in an immune response to allergens.
Immunocompromised :Refers to the inability to develop a normal and limited immune response, appropriate for the situation, which may be due to conditions of disease, malnutrition, age, or immunosuppressive medications.
Immunodeficient :Being immunodeficient may relate to cellular (white blood cell reactions) or humoral (production of antibodies against the offending antigen) that results in an impaired immune response; a number of conditions predispose one to infections and certain malignancies.
Immunoglobulin :Refers to five classes of immune globulins that are gamma globulin proteins found in the blood, body fluids, and tissues of vertebrates as antibodies. The immune system uses these antibodies to aid in identifications of and neutralization of foreign bodies such as parasites, bacteria, and viruses.
Immunosuppressive :Drugs or other agents may be immunosuppressive that inhibit or prevent activity of the immune system. Steroidal use is a prime example of immunosuppressive drugs.
Secretory IgA :Secretory IgA is a dimer of the immunoglobulin A and is the primary molecule of the mucosal surfaces and is one of the first lines of defense against invasion and colonization by potentially harmful microorganisms.
Opportunistic :Refers to a microorganism that is able to avoid immune reactions only under certain predisposing disease conditions, for example, when a person’s immune system is impaired due to a variety of reasons.

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