Comparative Analysis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Comparative Analysis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Resource : Comparative Analysis of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Bone Marrow, Adipose Tissue, and Umbilical Cord Blood as Sources of Cell Therapy (Published: 3 September 2013)
Researchers in MEDIPOST Co., Ltd have done MSCs comparative analysis in each tissue sources.
Various source-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been considered for cell therapeutics in incurable diseases.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) possess self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation potentials, and are thus an attractive source of stem cells for tissue engineering. Although adult bone marrow (BM) and adipose tissue (AT) are the main sources for clinical use, they are limited because harvesting requires invasive procedures and there are stringent donor age requirements. MSCs derived from elderly patients may be clinically ineffective. Therefore, alternative sources have been strongly pursued in primitive or neonatal tissues, including placenta, umbilical cord, and amnion. However, these tissues require complex processing for cell isolation.
Umbilical cord blood(UCB) is considered most suitable because it is free from ethical complications, and easy to isolate via non-invasive methods. UCB produces large yields of MSCs and possess immunosuppressive activities, making it useful in allogeneic settings. Thus, its application has been attempted in a wide spectrum of diseases.
Characterization of MSCs from BM, AT, and UCB
In Passage 5, UCB-MSCs exhibited a spindle-shaped morphology comparable to that of BM- and AT-MSCs (Figure 1a).

Growth Profiling and Cellular Senescence
For therapeutic purposes, large-scale expansion and slow senescence are important. Here, we determined the cell proliferation rate and cellular senescence in all isolated MSCs. Cells were cultured until growth ceased. Population-doubling (PD) was measured for every passage (Figure 2a)

In their passaged culture method, UCBs are well cultivated than other tissues.


So, they suggest MSCs from various sources have different therapeutic potential. UCB-MSCs have a longer culture, a large scale expansion, a retardation of senescence, and a higher anti-inflammation effect via Ang-1 than other MSCs. They results demonstrate that primitive UCB-MSCs have biological advantages in comparison to adult sources, making UCB-MSCs a useful model for clinical applications of cell therapy.
But if we use UCS-MSCs without our own cord blood, we should be use allogenic cell. And we need to take countermeasures against immunorejection.

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